Release Notes 3.0.2

.Net Core is now the primary framework used to control the environment and build for WSJT-X. As a result, several applications-name shortcuts have changed:

Primary Commands

Optioinal Environment Commands

JTEnv Java Install

NOTE - JTEnv Java requires both Java Tools and Java to be installed before building JTEnv Java.

The jtenv-jv application has been converted to use to a stand-alone project jtsdk-java-apps and is not longer part of the .Net Core Installation (as a Java script).

JTEnv Installation

To install, test, and use jtenv-jv, perform the following steps:

# Open JTSDK-Env, and change directories to (C|D):\JTSDK-Tools
cd /d (C|D):\JTSDK-Tools

# Make a Source Directory (if not already present)
mkdir src

# Change Directories and Clone
cd src
git clone

# Change Directories and Make Install
cd jtsdk-java-env\jtenv
make clean
make build
make install

# Test Installation
jtenv-jv -h