CLI Tools Overview

The following lists the command line tools available in JTSDK-Tools v3. Each tool has it's own documentation. To view the documentation for a particular tool, click on the links in the Name column.

Where possible, each tool will be written in at least two languages. C# (dotnet core) applications will generally be first, followed by Python, then Java. This enables users to choose which optional-language they would like to install.

NOTE: the commands listed below represent the DOSKEY's Command associated with each application. The long form of each command will be in the application documentation.

Status Explication

Each script / application is accompanied by a Status column. The following explains the meanings used:

Name Description
Release fully functional for it's intended purpose
Development still a work in progress, not ready for production use
Test App application for testing alternative frameworks
Deferred while technically viable, work has not begun
Incompatible not applicable for the given Language


Environment variables are set either by the operating system itself, by users adding a variable, or the JTSDK-Tools Environment Script. If the variable is not set, or cannot be found, a message of -- not set -- or -- unavailable -- will be displayed in path section.

Name Command Language Status Description
jtenv jtenv -h C-Sharp Release Show environment variables using C# / .Net Core
jtenvjv jtenv -h Java Test App same as above using Java
jtenvpy jtenv -h Python Test App same as above using Python


The configuration scripts set various options for controlling the environment, changing tool-chains, and other runtime activities.

Name Command Language Status Description
jtconfig jtconfig -h C-Sharp Release Configure runtime variables

WSJT-X Compiling

These applications are used to compile WSJT-X from source code.

Name Command Language Status Description
jtbuildcm jtbuild-cm -h Batch Release Compile WSJT-X using Windows Batch

Hamlib Compiling

These scripts, where possible, are used to compile Hamlib from source code. Due to the complexities between the standard Windows Environment, and that of MSYS2, it may not be possible to build Hamlib on windows using Java, and / or Python. If and when this is made possible, the appropriate scripts will be added to the matrix.

Name Command Language Status Description build-hamlib -h Bash Release Compile Hamlib Library for Windows
build-hamlib-py build-hamlib -h Bash Development Investigating use with MSYS2