Version Matrix

Application Data
JTSDK Tools Version 3.0.0


The following tables represent the framework, library or application version numbers as releases by the installers or subsequent upgrades.

Prerequisite Tools

These tools are installed by the user, but, are required for proper functionality of the JTSDK Tool Chain. The versions listed are "current" and may not represent what the users installed initially.

Name Version Arch Description
NetCore SDK 2.2.101 64bit Set of libraries and tools to build .NET Core apps
Git Bash 2.19.1 64bit CSV management tool suite
VS Code 1.30.2 64bit Power cross-platform test editor

Core Tools

These tools and libraries make up the core of JTSDK Tools. Because WSJT-X compiles to 32bit on Windows, any application or library providing build resources should also be 32bit.

Name Version Arch Description
AsciiDoc 8.6.9 32bit Python based document system
CMake 3.5.2 32bit CMake is a cross-platform build tool
CMake 3.10.3 32bit CMake is a cross-platform build tool
FFTW 3.3.5 32bit Fastest Fourier Transform Library
InnoSetup 5.5.9 32bit Free software script-driven installation system
Libusb 1.0.22 32bit C library that for generic access to USB devices
MSYS2 4.4.19 32bit Posix like environment for Windows
NSIS 3.03 32bit Nullsoft Scriptable Install System
Nuget 4.7.0 32bit Free and open-source package manager
Pkgconfig 0.28.1 32bit Interface for querying installed libraries
Qt 3.0.5 32bit Unified installer for Qt 5.5 and 5.9.5
Ruby 2.5.12 32bit Dynamic, Object-Oriented Programming Language
Subversion 1.9.7 32bit CSV management tool suite

Database Tools

These tools can either be in-process applications such as SQLite3, or full server based applications. As such, they are classed as Optional. PostgreSQL, Redis and MongoDB are not automatically installed on Windows. ALl three require manual installation by the user.

Name Version Arch Description
SQLite3 3.24.0 32bit In-Process relational database management system
PostgreSQL 10.4 64bit Advanced High Performance Relational Database
MongoDB 4.05 64bit Cross-platform document-oriented database
Redis 5.0 64bit In-Memory High Performance key-value database

Java Tools

While Java, and Java Tools are related, they can both operate independent of one another. Java-Tools are primarily build tools, where Java is the language itself. For consistency, it's best to keep all Java related tools at the same bit-ness, and in this case, all were 32bit.

Eclipse is an IDE for Java projects. They (developers) roll the versions often as it's best to keep up to date with the latest releases.

The JAVA version below represents the current 1.8 series release from Oracle. As of September 2018, JTSDK-Tools will be moving to OpenJDK due to support limitation changes by Oracle. Most in the OpenSource community are doing the same due to Long Term Support (LTS) limitations for non-commercial users.

Name Version Arch Description
Ant 1.10.4 32bit Software tool for automating software build processes
Maven 3.5.4 32bit A build automation tool used primarily for Java projects
Gradle 4.9 32bit Open-source build automation system
Java 1.8.0_192 32bit General-purpose computer-programming language
Eclipse 2018-12 R 32bit An Java integrated development environment

Doc Tools

These tools are in-addition-to those provided by AsciiDoc, and AsciiDoctor. They provide a full range of document creation and conversion utilities.

Name Version Arch Description
DocFX 2.37.0 32bit An API documentation generator for .NET
pandoc 2.2.1 32bit A free and open-source software document converter