Windows Installation

This document is still Under Development, and may be subject to frequent updates. Hard linking to specific URL's is not advised at this time. To prevent unexpected issues, the installation order below should be firmly adhered to.


In order to checkout and compile the JTSDK Net Core Utilities, users must have three applications / frameworks installed at the system level.

The guides listed below are provided to assist users with installing the JTSDK Tool Chain prerequisite applications. All three components are installed to the Default System Install Location(s) if the guides are followed.

All three packages must be available from a standard Windows or Linux Console. If not, users should add--either locally or system wide--the path location(s) which allows access from the command-line. Using the commands git --version, dotnet --info, and code --version should all render without error from their respective console.

IMPORTANT - It is up to the user where these packages are installed. However, unless there are specific reasons to NOT use a default install location, its highly advisable to use the recommended installer location(s).

While not critical, the order below should be followed:

  1. Install .Net Core SDK
  2. Install VS Code Editor
  3. Install Git

Required Install

MSYS2 is the last of the required installation and configuration sections. It follows the Core Apps Install guide as several scripts--most notably, the Hamlib Build script--are part of this package. The Core Apps Install package also provides the MSYS2 dependency list which users will need to install MSYS2 required dependencies.

  1. Python
  2. Core Tools
  3. AsciiDoctor Configuration
  4. Qt Tools
  5. Core Apps
  6. MSYS2 Configuration

Optional Install


On several occasions, you will be required to set JTSDK_HOME temporarily. The following shows how to do this for either (C|D) installation locations.

# To temporarily set the JTSDK_HOME variable inside a Windows Console

# C-Drive Installation

# D-Drive Installation

The same would be true, and follows the same syntax if:

  1. The system has several (more than two) physical hard drives.
  2. The system has multiple Windows partitions on a single drive.

Setting JTSDK_HOME in a Windows Console Manually will NOT retain the setting if the current console is closed. Likewise, if you have two consoles open, setting the variable in Console-1 will NOT make the variable known too nor available in Console-2.

Tool Chain Matrix

The Tool Chain Matrix(s) provides a brief description and links to each application or framework used within JTSDK-Tools. Installation, Configuration and Removal will be outlined in each of the respective application or framework documents as appropriate.