WSPR CSV Conversion Utility

Application Data
Package wsprcsv
Version 3.0.14
Topic Science/Research, Utilities
Development Status 4 - Beta
Compatibility Windows, Linux, MacOS
Arch Any (x86-64 recommended)
Python Version >= 3.5
Dependencies Pandas
Virtual Environment Anaconda Python 2018.12

About Anaconda Python

Anaconda Python is a free, easy-to-install, package manager, environment manager and Python distribution with a collection of 1,000+ open source packages with free community support. Anaconda is platform-agnostic, so you can use it whether you are on Windows, MacOS or Linux.

-- Anaconda, Inc.,

About Pandas

pandas is an open source, BSD-licensed library providing high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools for the Python programming language. pandas is a NumFOCUS sponsored project. This will help ensure the success of development of pandas as a world-class open-source project, and makes it possible to donate to the project.

--The Pandas Project

Development Status

This package is in Beta. The package was tested using Anaconda Python 2018.12 with a default virtual environment creation e.g. (conda create -n jtsdk-py).


wsprcsv is a collection of Python scripts used to manage WSPR data-files using Pandas. It takes an original WSPR Spots CSV and converts Epoch times to Date and Time columns, then removes Spot_Id and epoch timestamp columns.

On smaller files (100K to 500K rows), it could be argued that looping through the files with native Python functions could be faster. However, when processing 40+ Million Rows, Pandas is your friend. Example Two below is the most resent full-month archive from WSPRnet. Processing was intense to say the least:


The following are the minimal requirements to run wsprcsv.

If you use Anaconda Python 2018.12, creating a basic environment satisfies all the package needs. By default, Pandas is part of a default env install.


Installing wsprcsv from a package is, by far, the easiest and fastest way to get up running.

NOTE: This process is only valid for pre-releases versions of wsprcsv. Once formally released, you will not need to specify the URL at.

# If using JTSDK-Tools, activate jtsdk-py

conda activate jtsdk-py

# Otherwise, create a Python Virtual Environment for testing:
conda create -n wsprcsv
conda activate wsprcsv

# Install wsprcsv package
pip install -i wsprcsv

Validate Installation

In the same terminal, verify wsprcsv is functional.

# In the terminal type
wsprcsv -h

# You should see the following. (wsprcsv) is the Python Virtual Environment
# I created used for this with installation test run.

(wsprcsv) (QT-5.5) d:\JTSDK-Tools\tmp >wsprcsv -h
usage: wsprcsv [-h] -n NAME -s SRCD -c CSVD

Pandas script to convert WSPRnet CSV files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n NAME, --name NAME  name of file to convert
  -s SRCD, --srcd SRCD  source directory of the file
  -c CSVD, --csvd CSVD  output directory for file

(wsprcsv) (QT-5.5) d:\JTSDK-Tools\tmp >

Example Usage

The location for the source and output directories is up to the user. I used JTSDK-Tools Env for the example(s) after having created a Virtual Environment named wpsrcsv.

Download Source CSV

I used for the first example, however, you can use any file you like from the Download Page.

IMPORTANT: If you are using Windows, download a *.zip file. Linux or Unix based platforms, pick a *.gz file.

CAUTION: The newer the file, the longer the conversion process will take. 2009-01 comes in at 1.5 minutes >where 2018-12 takes 20 minutes and has ~40+ Million rows.

NOTE: I find it easier to set variables for each of the three elements, but, you can type them is is desired. Also, using variables allows you too loop through several archive files at once using a separate script that calls as wsprcsv as a conversion utility.

In the same Virtual Environment as the installation, run the following commands:

# Set the input variables (change the names and paths to meet your needs).
# You can enter the commands directly with --csvd and --srcd options.
# I elected to use variables.

# Win32|64
set srcd=D:\JTSDK-Tool\tmp
set csvd=D:\JTSDK-Tools\tmp

# Linux

# Run the wsprcsv command

# Windows
wsprcsv -n %name% -s %srcd% -c %csvd%

# Linux
wsprcsv -n $name -s $srcd -c $csvd

Set Process Variables

# Commands, as typed in Windows JTSDK-Tools Env.

set srcd=D:\JTSDK-Tools\tmp
set csvd=D:\JTSDK-Tools\tmp
wsprcsv -n %name% -s %srcd% -c %csvd%

Conversion Results

If all went as expected, you should see the following results.

CSV Conversion using Pandas

 In-File ...: D:\JTSDK-Tools\tmp\
 Out-File ..: D:\JTSDK-Tools\tmp\df-wsprspots-2009-01.csv

 * Import CSV
 * Convert Date
 * Convert Time
 * Re-Index Dataframe
 * Generate DF-CSV

 * CSV File Size ....: 7.14 MB
 * DF-CSV File Size .: 50.14 MB
 * Import ...........: 2.63 sec
 * Convert Date .....: 3.27 sec
 * Convert Time .....: 2.95 sec
 * Re-Index .........: 0.14 sec
 * Generate DF-CSV ..: 5.51 sec
 * Row Count ........: 577,169
          Total Time : 14.569 sec

Dataframe (first 5 rows)

         date  time    rptr   rgrid  snr       freq    call    grid  pwr  drift  dist   az  band         ver  code
0  2009-01-01  0000   RA6AS  KN93vn    6  10.140166   DL6NL  JO50cb   20      0  2347   97    10   1.1_r1042     0
1  2009-01-01  0000    W3HH  EL89vb  -27  10.140166   DL6NL  JO50cb   20      0  7738  291    10  1.01_r1023     0
2  2009-01-01  0000  PA3GYK  JO21qq  -21  10.140130  EA1FAQ  IN71op   27      0  1357   31    10  1.01_r1023     0
3  2009-01-01  0000    PD4U  JO22xe  -11   7.040029  EA1FAQ  IN71op   27      0  1425   31     7  1.01_r1023     0
4  2009-01-01  0000   VK6DI  OF88cd  -26  10.140177  JE5FLM  PM74ah   37      1  7590  196    10  1.01_r1023     0

(wsprcsv) (QT-5.5) d:\JTSDK-Tools\tmp >

Conversion Results Two

This set of results is from the latest full-month archive (2018-12). It boasts a staggering 43+ Million Rows.

CSV Conversion using Pandas

 In-File ...: D:\JTSDK-Tools\tmp\
 Out-File ..: D:\JTSDK-Tools\tmp\df-wsprspots-2018-12.csv

 * Import CSV
 * Convert Date
 * Convert Time
 * Re-Index Dataframe
 * Generate DF-CSV

 * CSV File Size ....: 820.52 MB
 * DF-CSV File Size .: 3,642.12 MB
 * Import ...........: 214.58 sec
 * Convert Date .....: 279.73 sec
 * Convert Time .....: 243.00 sec
 * Re-Index .........: 55.26 sec
 * Generate DF-CSV ..: 449.30 sec
 * Row Count ........: 43,804,393
          Total Time : 1285.742 sec

Dataframe (first 5 rows)

         date  time       rptr   rgrid  snr     freq   call    grid  pwr  drift  dist   az  band        ver  code
0  2018-12-01  0000  2E0ILY/15  IO82qv   -9  0.13762  DK7FC  JN49ik   30      0   878  300    -1  0.8_r3058     0
1  2018-12-01  0000      DF2IC  JN49jo    2  0.13762  DK7FC  JN49ik   30      0    19   18    -1  0.8_r3058     0
2  2018-12-01  0000      DF6NM  JN59nj    3  0.13762  DK7FC  JN49ik   30      0   175   91    -1  0.8_r3058     0
3  2018-12-01  0000   DK7FC/15  JN49ik   11  0.13762  DK7FC  JN49ik   30      0     0    0    -1  0.8_r3058     0
4  2018-12-01  0000   DL0AO/15  JN59vk    3  0.13762  DK7FC  JN49ik   30      0   223   89    -1  0.8_r3058     0

(wsprcsv) (QT-5.5) d:\JTSDK-Tools\tmp >


To uninstall the script, remembering to use the same Virtual Environment, type the following:

# Windows and Linux
make uninstall

That should do it. Thanks for testing the script. Be sure to check back often as additional features will be added to enhance the current capability.