Environment Using Python

Application Data
Package jtenv
Version 3.0.14
Topic Communications, Ham Radio
Development Status 2 - Beta
Distributions Windows, Linux, MacOS
Arch Any (x86-64 recommended)
Python Version >= 3.5
Dependencies Standard Python Library
Virtual Environment Anaconda Python 2018.12
Description Python application to list environment variables

Development Status

This package is in Beta. The package was tested using Anaconda Python 2018.12 with a default virtual environment creation e.g. (conda create -n jtsdk-py).


Simple Python script to print various environment variables associated with JTSDK-Tools



During Beta testing, installation will pull yhe application from test.pypi.org. After Beta testing, the package will be moved to the main PyPi repository where it will remain.

Open a condole, and type the following:

# If using JTSDK-Tools, active jtsdk-py first
conda activate jtsdk-py

# Install command: note the space after trailing /
pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ jtenv


      1. Sets up application directories based on Windows, Linux, or Darwin FSH
      2. Prints Java, User, System, and JTSDK Environment variables

    usage: jtenv [-h] [-a] [-j] [-s] [-S] [-u] [-z] [-v]

      Print Environment Variables

      optional arguments:
      -h, --help     show this help message and exit
      -a, --all      List all variables
      -j, --java     Java related variables
      -s, --system   System variables and exit
      -S, --setup    Creates JTSDK-Tools folders
      -u, --user     User variables and exit
      -z, --jtsdk    JTSDK-Tools variables
      -v, --version  The application version number


Open a condole, and type the following:

# If using JTSDK-Tools, active jtsdk-py first
conda activate jtsdk-py

# Uninstall command
pip uninstall jtenv