Optional - Install Redis

Application Data
Name Redis
Version Use Latest
Arch 64 bit
Description Redis is an open source in-memory data structure store

Redis is an open source in-memory data structure store that is designed to be fast and simple. The name is an acronym for Remote Dictionary Server (pronounced "red-iss"), referencing the networked client-server and key-value data models that Redis uses.

Built for real-time performance most requests to Redis complete in less than a millisecond, allowing a single server to handle millions of concurrent requests every second. Redis is designed for simplicity; it’s easy to use and extends the developer's toolbox by managing a distributed store of data structures used by applications. Redis includes everything needed to run it—whether on a developer's workstation or in a highly available large-scale production environment—and is renowned for its rock-solid stability. It is used as a database, cache and a message broker wherever performance is key.

--Redis Labs

Table of Contents


Redis runs best on Linux | Unix based systems, and it is NOT recommended for Native Windows. See Reasons Why Not Windows for a more in-depth explanation. If you need assistance installing WSL, see Installing Windows Subsystem for Linux Installation from the JTSDK Net Core Project Wiki.

Base System Hardware

NOTE: While it's possible to run redis-server on small embedded devices such as the RPI 2|3 or similar ARM based computers, performance for demanding applications will be sub-par. If you want to take advantage of Redis capabilities, using embedded devices is not the preferred approach.

Install via Docker Container

By far, the easiest way to test applications with Redis on Windows is by using a pre-build Docker Container. It's quick, easy, and maintained by the Docker community.

To use Docker Containers, you must first Install Docker, and preferably, create a Docker Hub Account (why not, it's free). Follow the next few steps to create your account, and install docker

  1. Create a Docker Hub Account
  2. Install Docker Community Edition (CE) for Windows

NOTE: This is a good time to check out the Getting Started and read through their FAQ.

Now that you've Installed Docker, you are ready to pull and run the 5.0-Alpine Docker image. There are many Docker Redis Images to choose from, but, I find the small footprint (~95MB) of Alpine to be perfect for application testing.

Install Steps

  1. Open a Windows Console (Windows CMD or Powershell), and type the following:

NOTE: make sure Docker is running before issuing the following command(s).

# In Windows Powershell or CMD Console, type:
# Note: 5.0.3 may not be the latest revision. Always check for the latest version
# at: https://hub.docker.com/_/redis/ and substitute as required.

docker run --name 5.0.3-alpine -p 6379:6379 -d redis

You should now have a Redis Docker Image running on your system. To do a few checks, run the following commands.

In Windows Powershell or CMD Console:

# Check Docker disk usage, type
docker system df

Get the Redis Alpine Container Information

# Grab the Container Information, type"
docker ps

# Check the Image, Status, Port and Name. Should be similar to:

Image....: redis
Status...: Up xx minutes
Name.....: 5.0.3-alpine

This concludes the Docker Redis Installation section. If you reboot your system. re-run the install command from able to re-start the instance.

Linux and WSL Installation

This installation process describes using Ubuntu 16.04 thru 18.04 or Windows Subsystem Linux. Other Linux based distributions will be similar. There is NO need for a Password, Port re-assignment, IP address re-assignment, nor HTTPS setup. A default, out-of-box install, is all that is required for testing.

Ubuntu or WSL

Open WSL or Linux Terminal and type the following in the shell:

# In the bash terminal (for Debian|Ubuntu based systems)
sudo apt update
sudo apt install redis-server
sudo service redis-server start
sudo service redis-service status
redis-server --version

If the above commands were successful, you should have the following results:

NOTE: With WSL, each time you close and re-open the session, you must restart any servers you wish to run as they do not automatically start. On a normal Linux instance, this is of no concern as they are managed by system control.

Initial Screen
*Redis Startup *

Initial Testing

The following tests your ability to enter and query small <key>:<value> pairs in the new Redis Server. All commands are in the terminal

# Note:> is the redis prompt, you do not type that part.> ping

# Output should be: pong> set test "Redis Is Working!!"

# Output should be: OK> get test

# Output should be: "Redis Is Working!!"> exit

# You should now be back at the Linux prompt
# At the Linux prompt, type

sudo service redis-server restart
redis-cli> get test

# Output should be: "Redis Is Working!!"
# Exit redis-cli> exit

# You should now be back at the Linux prompt

Test Result Summary

Test Results
Test Results


This concludes the basic installation and testing of the redis-server. Redis is a highly capable <key>:<value> store used by thousands of enterprise applications. For further learning, checkout the following resources: