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Top Ten Reporters

This is a sample application using Scala that performs the following:

  • Reads the Original CSV into a Spark DataFrame
  • Performas a Query Count on Reporters Ordered Descending
  • Reports Top (10) by spot count

File Specs

The specs on the test file are:

  • Test File : wsprspots-2020-02.csv
  • Rows : 47,310,649 spots
  • File Size Decompressed : 3.964 GB

If you use a different archive, make sure to you pass the relative location to the script when running.

Build and Run

Run the following commands in order, and check your results.

# All commands are run from a terminal

cd ~/Downloads
wget -c
gzip -dk wsprspots-2020-02.csv.gz

# set the path of the downloaded and extracted CSV file

# clone the repo
git clone

# change directories and build the assembly
cd ./wspr-analytics/scala/TopTenReporters

# clean and build
sbt clean assembly

# Runs the following command
spark-submit --master local[8] target/scala-2.12/TopTenReporter-assembly-1.0.jar $csvfile


You should get results similar to the following:

NOTE The time it takes will depend on your system resources (CPU, RAM, etc)

Application  : TopTenReporter
Process File : wsprspots-2020-02.csv
Tiimestame   : 2020-12-27 T 02:36:01.265
Description  : Returns the Top Ten Reporters Grouped by Count

Process Steps for this application
- Creating the Schema
- Reading CSV into DataSet
- Selecting Reporters
- GroupBy and Count Reporters
- Sort Reporters Descending
- Query Execution

|Reporter| count|
|   DK6UG|838081|
|  OE9GHV|690104|
|  EA8BFK|648670|
|   KD2OM|589003|
|   K4RCG|571445|
|     KPH|551690|
|    K9AN|480759|
|   DF5FH|480352|
|   DJ9PC|474211|
only showing top 10 rows

Query Time : 5.821 sec