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Basic Examples

The scripts in this directory are used for exploring the use of Spark, Apache Arrow, Scala and other Big Data frameworks to:

  1. Reduce WSPR CSV on-disk storage space
  2. Improve CSV read times and portability
  3. Improve query performance
  4. Produce a cost effective, yet scalable, analytics solution for WSPR data

An additional dimension that could be explored is streaming. For those with suffecient energy, there are many frameworks that can be employed in this area:

...and many others.

All of the example scripts will be incorporated into a main application at some point, however, some will just be for testing.

Additional tests will be done using Scala and / or Java for performance comparison. Initial tests will be run using Python, or more sustinct, PySpark, as it lends itself to rapid-deployment scenarios.

NOTE: This exercise is not a full-blown scientific experiment. Rather, its more of a feasability or proof of concept exercise.

Compute Constraints

While there is no shortage of cloud-based Big Data solutions these days ( [AWS EMR][], Azure Synapse, Databricks, GCP, Google Big Query, etc), these tests will look at commonidty based on-prem resources in order to keep the overall cost to an acceptable level. In other words: a hefty workstation, a stack of Raspberry PI's, or an over-powered laptop should be capable of performing the tasks for the use case at hand.

Compute Environment

If you are on Windows 10, I would highly recommended using Windows Subsystem Linux v2. Doing so will make setting up Apache Spark much easier, and you can follow the directions below with mininal frustration.


No matter which method of compute is employed, Java forms the foundation. I chose to use openjdk version 1.8.0_275, however, Spark now fully supports Java-11. I've also ran Java-14, but prefer to stick with LTS versions becasue not all frameworks support the "latest and greatest" JVM.


You need a Python environment, either from Anaconda Python or the standard Python installer and venv. Either way, you should run the tests in a virtual Python environment to keep these packages from interfering with your core operating system.

SDK Manager

While running tests, it can be frustraighting to manage the large matrix of frameworks. The use of sdkman can make quick work of this chore; it's up to you though.

Running The Tests

The first two tests will illustrate the speed increase by using Apache Arrow to process both CSV and Apache Parquet compressed binaries. The major difference between the native CSV file, and those compressed by the script is, the CSV file has no schema header information accompanying the file whereas the Apache Parquet binaries have full headers and data-type structures defined. Using inferred-schema does work, but it is not without error. This is the primary reason to fully define the schemas beforehand.

Pandas, buy default, is a single thread reader/writer. It can be made to pool, but it's not configured to do so out of the box. You will see the difference in reading raw CSV files during the compression run and that of Apache Arrow (e.g. PyArrow with Python) running in parallel doing the same task.

To run the test scripts, perform the following:

  • Download and extract a WSPR Archive
  • Clone the wspr-analytics repository
  • Set a path variable
  • Install Python package requirments
  • Runs the test scripts

Here are the Bash commands I used to run the tests.

# change the download location to whatever you prefer
cd ~/Downloads
wget -c
gzip -dk wsprspots-2020-02.csv.gz

# set the path of the downloaded and extracted CSV file

# clone the repo
git clone

# change directories and install dependencies
cd ~/Downloads/wspr-analytics/pyspark

# NOTE: Be sure you are in a virtual environment "before"
# installing Python packages
python -m pip install -r requirement.txt

# run the conversion script
python -f $csvfile

Pandas Parquet Compression Test

  • CSV Reader - Python Pandas
  • Parquet Writer - Python Pandas To Parquet

NOTE: Additional tests will be added to check the read/write speeds using Apache Arrow only while leaving Pandas out of the mix completely.

The following data shows the results of converting a CSV file to several Apache Parquet formats. Substantial disk-space savings can be achived using these methods.

Generally speaking, as the compression increases so does the length of time it takes to create the file. However, the disk-space savings are impressive.

NOTE : Make note of the CSV Read Time while using Pandas in a Single Thead

Disk space savings range from >= 5 : 1 to 8 : 1 depending on the compression you'd like to use. It's a substantial savings no matter which you chose.

Pandas CSV Conversion Method
Parquet Compression Types : ['SNAPPY', 'LZ4', 'ZSTD', 'GZIP', 'BROTLI']
Sit back and relax, this takes a while!!

* Reading file  : wsprspots-2020-02.csv
* Spot Count    : 47,310,649
* File Size     : 3780.94 MB
* Elapsed Time  : 79.448 sec

* Converting CSV to -> snappy
* File Size     : 667.07 MB
* Elapsed Time  : 29.579 sec

* Converting CSV to -> lz4
* File Size     : 627.88 MB
* Elapsed Time  : 29.702 sec

* Converting CSV to -> zstd
* File Size     : 520.19 MB
* Elapsed Time  : 30.778 sec

* Converting CSV to -> gzip
* File Size     : 467.55 MB
* Elapsed Time  : 107.244 sec

* Converting CSV to -> brotli
* File Size     : 446.58 MB
* Elapsed Time  : 89.529 sec

NOTE : The File Sizes Are Approximated = (file bytes / 1048576)

Finished !!

Apache Arrow (PyArrow) Read Test

  • Reader - PyArrow

The results below are from using Apache Arrow to read each of the compressed-file formats created above.

No Spark nodes are deployed, only a single master with no special optimizations applied. Apache Arrow uses threads by default which is the main difference in using Pandas to read original CSV read.

To say it's fast is an understatement.

NOTE : Check the CSV Read Time below and compare it to the Pandas CSV read time from above; it's an 36 : 1 read-speed improvement or ( 80.32 sec v.s. 2.213 sec )

# You run the read script the same way
python -f $csvfile

# Results:

Running Read Tests Using Apache Arrow
Compression Types : ['CSV', 'SNAPPY', 'ZSTD', 'GZIP', 'BROTLI']

* Reading file  : wsprspots-2020-02.csv
* File Size     : 3780.94 MB
* Elapsed Time  : 2.185

* Reading file  : wsprspots-2020-02.snappy
* File Size     : 667.07 MB
* Elapsed Time  : 2.011

* Reading file  : wsprspots-2020-02.zstd
* File Size     : 520.19 MB
* Elapsed Time  : 1.769

* Reading file  : wsprspots-2020-02.gzip
* File Size     : 467.55 MB
* Elapsed Time  : 3.654

* Reading file  : wsprspots-2020-02.brotli
* File Size     : 446.58 MB
* Elapsed Time  : 2.102

 Finished !!

Query Parquet File Using PySpark

The next phase is to run a simple query using PySpark in
in a distributed manner.

As this is all happening on a single msater host node, it is more of a parralized action rather than distributed, but the results are far superior to what any single threaded implementation could achieve.

See WSPR Query Notebook for details.

The read speed is impressive. It takes ~1.5 seccond to read 47+ Million rows, and ~4.8 seconds to do a group by query.

Row count speeds ( 0.87 sec ) are on par with using ( wc -l ) from a Linux shell.

Now matter how one looks at this approach, it's a viable alternative to a raw csv read and process action.

* Reading file ..: wsprspots-2020-02.parquet
* File Size .....: 490,259,730 bytes compressed
* Read Time .....: 1.51834 sec

* Counting Records
* Record Count ..: 47,310,649
* Count Time ....: 0.90268 sec

* Running Group by Count Query and return the dataframe
|Reporter| count|
|   DK6UG|838081|
|  OE9GHV|690104|
|  EA8BFK|648670|
|   KD2OM|589003|
|   K4RCG|571445|
|     KPH|551690|
|    K9AN|480759|
|   DF5FH|480352|
|   DJ9PC|474211|
only showing top 10 rows

* Query Time ....: 4.94034 sec